What is Mindful Sleeping?

    Do you struggle falling asleep at night? Or staying asleep? Mindfulness can help with your sleep health. Mindfulness is the practice of acceptance of one’s current reality. Mindfulness meditation is one of the best ways to treat insomnia.
What is mindfulness meditation? It is a meditation practice that can prepare your body for sleep. Mindfulness meditation works best when practiced every day before bed. It can calm any negative thoughts, and release any body tension that prevents you from a peaceful rest. Dedicate some time before bed for meditation.
   Did you know that there are other ways to practice mindful sleep, other than meditation? Here are some recommendations
Only rest in your bed
When you’re in your bed, refrain from working or eating. When you dedicate your bed as a space for rest, your body will associate your bed with sleep.
Put away electronics an hour before bedtime
Cell phones and laptops emit blue light energy. Blue light energy is supposed to keep you awake and attentive. Electronics are a distraction from going to bed on time.
Create a schedule
When you create a sleep schedule, your body will get used to the routine and will fall asleep easier.
Try not to worry about things before bed
It is easy to worry about things at night. Instead of worrying about things at night, make whatever you’re feeling something that you will deal with in the morning. Have you ever heard the phrase, “don’t go to bed angry?” There is a lot of truth to it, as to any negative emotions can prevent your body from falling asleep. Use meditation as a way to release those emotions.

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