Anxiety Disorders, OCD, & PANDAS

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses. As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the number of cases has significantly increased.  One of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorders is excessive worrying, restlessness, panic attacks, overthinking, etc.  Anxiety disorders can manifest themselves in numerous types:

  1. General Anxiety Disorder (GAD): long term worrying about situations. Even though it is normal to worry about things, patients with General Anxiety Disorder tend to excessively worry about things, to the point where it affects their daily lives. 
  2. Phobias: patients with phobias tend to have extreme fear over an object/activity and go through excessive lengths to avoid them. Common phobias include fear of heights, needles, vomiting, dogs, etc. 
  3. Panic Disorder: patients with panic disorders tend to have extreme panic attacks, alongside shortness of breath, extreme chest pains, excessive perspiration. 
  4. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): this disorder manifests in a patient after a traumatic event. Patients may experience nightmares, panic attacks, and phobias regarding their traumas. 
  5. Social Anxiety Disorder: patients with social anxiety disorder tend to panic when faced with public situations. Anxiety attacks can manifest when a patient is faced with public speaking, eating in public, making small talk, etc. 
  6. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): is characterized through specific compulsions/ rituals that may seem to mend obsessive thoughts. To learn more about OCD, read here.

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