Unexpected Things That Can Affect Your Mental Health

         Mental illnesses can manifest from several events in life. Many people assume that disorders only stem from traumatic events, childhood, genetics, or social disadvantages. However, there are many things that can affect mental health.

Changes in temperature
           There have been several studies confirming that an increase in temperature correlates with an increase in aggressive behavior, suicide attempts, and alcohol and drug abuse. Similarly, there’s a correlation between the decrease in temperature and depression. Severe weather can also affect medicine supply chains, which can cause patients to not receive their proper prescriptions.
Social media and phones
           Social media is extremely harmful to adolescents and children. Social media can cause  insecurities, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. Many platforms such as Tik Tok
           and Tumblr have users promoting eating disorder and self harm content. This can           cause severe damage to an easily impressionable, young mind.
Cell phones in itself can harm mental health, because of the blue light emissions. Blue light keeps people engaged. Using cell phones, or any other technology, can cause insomnia.
          Have you ever heard the term you are what you eat? There’s some truth to it. Food can either positively or negatively impact your mental health. For example, foods like berries, fish, and complex carbohydrates can positively impact your health. But, highly processed foods can cause depression. However, if you’re craving a slice of cake, eat the cake, because it will make you happy.

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